PP-1 Addition
Project Type:
Project Size:
Residential | Addition
560 SF
Sarasota, Florida
Nestled into Paver Park, a neighborhood close to downtown Sarasota, is a collection of homes built in the 1950s. This project is located on a corner lot, a small home in the shade of a large old-growth oak tree. The client wanted to expand their living space, creating a private suite available for an elderly friend. With the corner lot and small existing structure, the backyard was visible from both street yards - the addition aims to create privacy for the backyard while also reestablishing the relationship to the street with a generous front porch.
When you begin with an existing structure that is already a series of additions, the roof is likely to be a complex geometry - bringing a sense of hierarchy and order to the roof is where we began. The existing combination of hip roofs are simplified to a gable on the entry street elevation, creating a shaded porch that elevates the street presence of the home. The addition itself expands as a single sloped roof, staying low on the front elevation and opening up to the now-private backyard. This resolution of the roof geometry respects the scale and vernacular of the surrounding neighborhood, while creating light and airy space within the addition.